
The New York State Reliability Council, L.L.C. (“NYSRC”) is a not-for-profit entity, organized in 1999 as a Delaware limited liability company, whose mission is to promote and preserve the reliability of electric service on the New York State Power System by developing, maintaining, and, from time-to-time, updating the Reliability Rules which shall be complied with by the New York Independent System Operator (“NYISO”) and all entities engaging in electric transmission, ancillary services, energy and power transactions on the New York State Power System. The NYSRC shall carry out its mission with no intent to advantage or disadvantage any Market Participant’s commercial interests.

The NYSRC’s mission also includes monitoring compliance with the Reliability Rules by working in consultation with the NYISO to assure compliance, including when necessary, seeking compliance through the dispute resolution procedure contained in the ISO/NYSRC Agreement, and taking such other actions which may be necessary to carry out the purpose of the NYSRC Agreement.

The NYSRC is governed by the NYSRC Executive Committee comprised of thirteen (13) members consisting of representatives from the six (6) current Transmission Owners – Central Hudson Gas & Electric Corporation, Consolidated Edison Company of New York, Inc., Long Island Power Authority, National Grid, USA, New York State Electric & Gas Corporation/Rochester Gas & Electric Corporation, and the Power Authority of the State of New York; one (1) representative of the Wholesale Sellers sector – Independent Power Producers of New York, Inc.; one (1) representative of the Large Consumers sector – Multiple Intervenors; one (1) representative of the Municipals and Electric Cooperatives sector- New York Municipal Power Agency; and four (4) members not affiliated with any Market Participants.

At its December 8, 2023 meeting, the Executive Committee of the New York State Reliability Council set the New York Control Area (NYCA) Installed Reserve Margin (IRM) requirement for the May 1, 2024 to April 30, 2025 Capability Year at 22.0%. 2024-25 IRM Resolution

Video — Highlights 20 Years of Reliability Progress since the 2003 Blackout — posted with permission and courtesy of NERC

The Grid – 20 Years of Progress Since the 2003 Northeast Blackout (vimeo.com)