
NYSRC documents include: NYSRC Reliability Rules & Compliance Monitoring ; Policies; Agreements; Reports; FERC Filings; Workshops & Presentations; and General Documents. Individual documents can be accessed from the Documents drop-down menu above or directly from the menu to the left.

Manuals include: NYSRC Reliability Rules and associated documents; and the NYSRC Compliance Manual.

Policies include: Procedure for Developing, Modifying and Disseminating NYSRC Reliability Rules; NYSRC Openness Policy; Accounting Procedure; Procedure for Monitoring Compliance with NYSRC Reliability Rules; Procedure for Establishing New York Control Area Installed Capacity Requirements; and Relationship Between NYSRC Reliability Rules and NERC Reliability Standards Development Process.

Agreements include: NYSRC Agreement; ISO/NYSRC Agreement; NYSRC Operating Agreement; NYSRC Reimbursement Agreement; NYSRC Code of Conduct; and NYSRC Confidentiality Agreement.

Reports include: New York Installed Capacity Requirements (various years); NYSRC Installed Capacity White Paper, Adequacy of LSE Unforced Capacity During 2002 Summer Period; NYISO Assessment of the Potential Impact of the Millenium Natural Gas Pipeline on the Consolidated Edison Right of Way South of Millwood West Substation; NYSRC Deliverability Issues-Scope of Work; Adjusting for the Current Overstatement of Resource Availability in Resource Adequacy Studies; and IRM Study Data Bases; and the NYSRC 2003-04 and 2005-06 Biennial Reports.

FERC Filings include various comments and filings.

Workshops and Presentations include: Transmission Workshop; and various presentations.

General Documents include: Notices and Procedures Regarding the Appointment of Certain Members to the Executive Committee of the NYSRC; Functional Responsibilities of the NYSRC; NYPP Operations Analysis; and Comments on NERC Standards.