Joint SubCommittees Meeting RRS Meeting 249 RCMS Meeting 243 – April 30, 2020

RRS Meeting No. 249

RRS Meeting No. 249

Agenda Item 2.1
Approval of RRS Minutes 248

Agenda Item 2.2
RRS Status Report

Agenda Item 2.3
Action Items List

Agenda Item 3.1.1
PRR List

Agenda Item 3.2.1
PRR 146 B.4 Transmission System Interconnection Special Studies

Agenda Item 3.4.1
Definition of NYSA BPS — clean
Definition of NYSA BPS — redl ine

Agenda Item 3.4.2
NYCA Long Term Reliability Risk Priorities

Agenda Item 5.1
NERC Standard Tracking

RCMS Meeting No. 243

Meeting 243

Agenda Item 2.1
Draft Minutes for Meeting 242

Agenda Item 2.2
RCMS Status Report

Agenda Item 2.3
Action Items List — to be provided later

Agenda Item 3.1
2020 Compliance Program

Agenda Item 3.2
March 2020 Operations Report

Agenda Item 3.3
G.3 R2 Certification

Agenda Item 3.4
G.4 R2 Certification

Agenda Item 4
2020 RNA Preliminary Schedule

Agenda Item 5.1
NYISO Reliability Compliance Tracker